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Sonoma - Napa - Marin
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Contact Diane
"Speak to the heart, the mind listens."
Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate... Roy T. Bennett
Therapeutic Listening
Diane - Therapeutic Listening Trained
An individualized program that does not follow exact procedures or regiments at all. Every child’s program is different depending on Diane’s reasoning and observation of the child’s situation, history, needs, and parent’s concerns.
This training is a multi-faceted, complex sound-based approach using more than the child’s ears. Most sensory systems do not work in isolation. Hearing and the other sensory systems work in a correlation to other systems. It is connected to all levels of the brain function and has an unlimited range of influence.
This is extremely helpful with some sensory disorders because neurologically it is connected to all levels of brain function and as a result it has a vast range of influence the whole child.